There are multiple layers to "what works" and you might find yourself satisfied earlier or later. If someone want's to got in the deepend of this, feel free :) How can you get this? First off because i would not call myself an "expert" in this topic and secondly because it is really messy and complicated. In here i'll condense my answer down to "what works" and try not to go to deep in to "why". To make this work, the proton "layer" requires access to some specific xaudio dll's, most notable the xaudio2_7 dll.

Just a heads up, this might be incomplete. Okay, i am so excited, because i searched for a long time and finally fixed this myself. I don't even know if Wine came installed with Ubuntu or not, but I guess it must have if I'm able to play Skyrim at all? Maybe? I tried doing some research into this, but I keep seeing stuff about Wine and xact 64-bit, and forcing stuff, and how Wine and Proton don't get along but you have to run them at the same time? I am really just not understanding what the heck is going on lmao. Still trying to figure out how to get Steam to recognize my HTC Vive VR headset, but my first benchmark for a new computer is Skyrim, so getting that to work is what I'm focused on for now.

I went through and did all the graphics drivers and stuff, took a long time for me to figure out how to get it all to work.

All the other audio is fine and the game runs totally fine too.

I'm using steam play, which is called Proton I believe? I'm using it to play Skyrim Special Edition, but none of the voice audio is coming through. I finally made the switch from Windows yesterday to the latest version of Ubuntu, and I'm really happy with it aside from the gaming problems, but there are just some things I don't understand. So I am a total noob when it comes to Linux.